Tracking conversion with Google Tag Manager

Accessing session variables available on confirmation page via GTM

When a user reaches the confirmation page of the TTG Encre White Label a number of data points are available in the browser session. These can be accessed using a user defined Javascript variable in Google Tag Manager

Confirmation Page URL Format

The confirmation page uses the following URL format:
https://<domain>/checkout/order-confirmation?reference=<order reference>

This can be used as part of a page view trigger in Google Tag Manager, with a pagePath value of: /checkout/order-confirmation

Session Object

The session object is called checkout details and contains the following values in a JSON format.

bookingReferenceTTG booking referenceStringTTG50165909
StringThe currency of the transactionStringGBP
emailUsers email addressString[email protected]
isFirstOrderIf this is identified as a first purchase for this userBooleantrue
paymentIdInternal reference for the paymentStringcc37cd1b-21f7-4e91-afff-000000000000
totalTotal value of orderNumber262