The Search Summary widget allows a user to see a summary of their current performance search which includes the details of the Product, the Performance date / time and the quantity of tickets. Users can edit / refine their search where the default behaviour will launch the Week Selector and Number of Tickets widgets.

"Plug and Play" integration with Ticket Selection
Allow your customers to easily see how many tickets they have selected / searched for, and refine their selection (via other widgets) and have their refined search reflected in the Seat Plan widget
Fully Responsive
The Search Summary widget has been optimised for all screen resolutions, across desktop, tablet and mobile, resizing to best fit the available screen real estate
Using the Search Summary widget with other widgets
The Search Summary widget is best used with other widgets, such as the Seat Plan widget. For example, you can embed both of these widgets onto the same page, so that the customer can see their search selection and launch the edit widgets to select a different quantity and automatically refresh the availability shown on the Seat Plan widget for this quantity.
Embedding the widget
- Ensure you've got a valid affiliate id.
- Create a new HTML page and add the following markup:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Search Summary example</title>
data-booking-starts="{starting date when performances can be booked e.g. 2019-06-22}"
data-booking-ends="{end date when performances can be booked e.g. 2020-11-30}"
data-quantity="{number of tickets e.g. 2}"
<script src=""></script>
Supported data attributes
In addition to the standard data attributes used by all Widgets, the following data attributes are used to customise the behaviour of the Number of Tickets widget. Note that these parameters are mandatory if not provided via query string parameters.
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
data-product-id | Yes | Number | Identifier of the product to show the Number of Tickets widget for. |
data-api-path | Yes | URL | The host for the data service to use. This should be the fully qualified domain for the relevant capability service. Example: |
data-channel-id | Yes | String | The id of the affiliate for which the embedding context (i.e. website) belongs. |
data-product-id-for-content | No | Number | Identifier of the product for content-service api calls. |
data-venue-id | No | String | Venue id using for specify venue of performance. |
data-booking-starts | No | Date | Starting date when performances can be booked, in the format YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2018-06-22. Determines the earliest week to be covered by the Number of Tickets widget. For example, if there is no availability for 8 tickets between this date and the data-booking-ends date below, the Number of Tickets widget will disable "8" for the user. If not provided, this defaults to the current week. |
data-booking-ends | No | Date | End date when performances can be booked, in the format YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2019-11-30. Determines the latest date to be covered by the Number of Tickets widget. If not provided, this defaults to the current week. |
data-quantity | No | Number | Number of tickets which the widget should display as selected by default e.g. "2". (should be in range 1 - 10) |
data-performance-time | No | String in format "HH:mm" | Example: "14:00" |
data-performance-date | No | Date | Date of selected performance (YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2022-06-22) |