So you can get images tailored to you, the content service can automatically perform a range of manipulations to an image indicated through specific query string parameters.
Parameter | Type | Modification | Description |
h | number | Height | You can resize the image to the desired height. The maximum allowed value is 4000 pixels. The default is the original image height. |
w | number | Width | You can resize the image to the desired width. The maximum allowed value is 4000 pixels. The default is the original image width. |
fit | complex | Fit | By default, images are resized to fit into the specified dimensions. You can request a different behavior using the fit parameter.Possible values: pad : Resize the image to the specified dimensions, padding the image if needed.fill : Resize the image to the specified dimensions, cropping the image if needed.scale : Resize the image to the specified dimensions, changing the original aspect ratio if needed.crop : Crop a part of the original image to fit into the specified dimensions.thumb : Create a thumbnail from the image. |
f | string | Focus | You can choose the focus area for resizing when using fit type pad , fill , crop or thumb . Focus area has no effect on the default or scale fit type.Possible values: center , top , right , left , bottom .top_right , top_left , bottom_right , bottom_left .face for the largest face detected.`faces for all the faces detected. The default is center. |
r | number/string | Rounded Corners | You can add rounded corners to your image or crop to a circle/ellipse. Possible values: The size of the corner radius in pixels. max keyword for a full circle/ellipse.The default is 0 .Rounded corners use background color as padding color, unless the format is jpg and resizing behavior is pad , then default to white. |
q | number | Quality | You can alter the quality of the image, expressed as a percentage value between 1 and 100. Quality value is only ignored for 8-bit PNGs. |
fm | string | Format | You can convert the image to a different format. Possible values: jpg png webp gif The default is the original image format. |
The following examples demonstrate how the content service can be used to deliver manipulations to a base image 'on the fly'.
Example 1: Pixel width resize
Resize the width to 200px.
Example 2: Pixel hight resize
Resize the hight to 200px
Example 3: Scale image
Scale image with fit parameter and size parameters.
Example 4: Round image and change format
Add rounded corners with 20px and changed format to webp
Example 5: Square image and change format
Square image changed format to webp